Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Magical Mantras & Mantra Spellwork

Many magical practitioners find that chanting can help them center and focus before and during meditation or ritual, but did you know that it can be used to achieve magical goals as well? The magical power of words is recognized in spiritual traditions the world over, and mantras are among the most famous and ancient magical word formulas. Mantras are a form of magical prayer-chant that originates in the Hindu tradition. They were designed specifically to have dramatic transformative effects on those that recited them. When said aloud, each letter of the Sanskrit alphabet (which the mantras were originally composed in) creates energetic vibrations that, when combined into spiritually potent phrases can help the chanter attain their goals and desires - or even bring them into contact with the gods! While Hindu & Buddhist tradition holds that most mantras may only be recited by initiates, there are plenty of mantras that have been used and proven to be extremely effective (and safe) by Westerners.

I spent 7 years working exclusively with the Hindu deities, and gained very valuable experience and knowledge on how to work with these deities in their traditional context, and through my relationship with them was guided into how to utilize their energies for magical ends using a more blended style of ritual. Through my contact with the occult and conjure communities, I have found that many others had been working with them in a similar style long-before I was led into it! These mantric practices can really help add an extra dimension to your work, and building a working relationship with these powerful spirits will be more than worth your while in the long-run!

While I am addressing primarily Hindu mantras in this article, there are amazingly powerful traditions of mantra work in the Buddhist tradition as well – you need only do some research on your own to find them!

How Do Mantras Work?

Mantras work on the principle of ‘like-attracts-like’. When you are chanting a mantra, you are immersing your body and your environment with the vibrations created by the sounds of the words – which are believed to be the sound of the vibration that that spiritual principle actually makes if you could hear it! For instance, if you could physically hear the vibration of the energy of Prosperity, it would sound like “SHREEM”, and so SHREEM is an important part of the mantras for Prosperity. By filling your environment with the vibration of Prosperity, Prosperity will naturally begin to manifest in your life.

If you chant a mantra aloud long enough (about 3-5 minutes for me, but everyone is different) you will begin to feel the energy of the atmosphere around you change. This vibration will match the vibration of whatever goal the mantra was intended to achieve. The longer you chant, the longer you will sustain and release the energy of your mantra-spell out into the Universe where it can manifest.

Repetition of the chant on a regular basis is important until you have attained your goal. People who decide you use mantras as a regular part of their spiritual practice usually obtain or make a string of japa, or prayer, beads to help them keep track of how many times they have said a particular chant. In the Hindu and Buddhist traditions, mantras are usually repeated in some multiple of the sacred number 108, and so most malas, or rosaries, have 108 beads.

How Can Mantras Help Me?

As in all spell-type work, the stronger and clearer the intent, the more successful you will be in achieving your magical goals. A mantra is intent “crystallized” into a specific vibration which you can tap into and use to improve your psychic abilities, deepen your spiritual practice - or just accomplish mundane goals, such as gaining self-confidence, drawing more money into your life, or helping you do better in your career. There’s a mantra for nearly any aspiration! Here are some of the most popular mantras and what goals they can be used for:

OM – By far the most well-known and Universal mantra, it is believed to be the sound of Creation Itself. This mantra is a panacea of sorts, as it can be used in nearly any circumstance. It invokes Divine energy and can open many spiritual doors, and increase your intuitive capabilities. Chanting OM can sometimes trigger clairvoyant experiences or even spontaneous channeling. To direct its energy to a specific task, visualize your desire while chanting. I begin and end all my chanting sessions with a few repetitions of OM, as it fills the energetic atmosphere with a powerful and sacred vibration.

OM Shanti! Shanti! Shanti! – This translates into “Hail Peace! Peace! Peace!” and is a wonderful mantra for this hectic (and violent) day-and-age. It is an excellent addition to any magical workings for Peace, Calm, or Clarity that you may participate in. You can use this mantra to calm and center yourself if ever you are feeling overwhelmed with anxiety and worry. Its vibrations can also cleanse and soothe an environment where lots of anger and fighting have been present.

OM GAM Ganapatiye Namaha- This is the mahamantra of the Hindu Deity, Ganesha, Lord of Obstacles. Chanting this can open the road and clear away any obstructions, seen or unseen, which are standing in the way of you achieving your goal. I use this mantra more than any other, and have not once been disappointed! Life just seems to flow more smoothly when you chant this regularly. Use this mantra whenever you feel overwhelmed by delays or just generally stuck, and your path will soon be free and unimpeded.

OM EIM Saraswatyei Swaha – This roughly translates, “Hail to the Goddess that which enlightens all artistic and educational undertakings!” As you can see, this mantra invokes serious aid to any creative or scholastic project. When combined with a sincere effort to hit-the-books, this can help you pull your self up by your bootstraps and make the grade! It can also be chanted to inspire your artistic talents, or improve your overall academic prowess. This mantra is a powerful talisman for any student or artist!

OM AIM HREEM SHREEM Chamundayei Vicche Namaha – This mantra calls upon the Goddess Durga, who is a fierce warrior and extremely strong Mother figure. This particular mantra is extremely effective for personal transformation work aimed at increasing self-esteem and improving one’s self-image and overall self-worth. Use this whenever you are working towards mustering some extra courage, or need the strength to stand your ground, or just generally need to change self-abusive mental and behavioral patterns. It also invokes a greatly protective energy, so you can use this whenever you feel you are in need of spiritual protection and support.

OM SHREEM Mahalakshmiyei Swaha – This mantra invokes the presence and energy of the Goddess Lakshmi, who is the embodiment of Prosperity in all it’s forms. Most commonly petitioned for financial prosperity, and so a perfect Goddess to petition for extra income, increased business, finding a job, or getting a raise at work, she can also bring prosperity in the forms of health, loving and supportive family and friends, and general good fortune and luck in life. She is very often petitioned alongside Ganesha, for a powerful one-two punch of Road Opening and Prosperity-drawing.

How Do I Get Started?

Once you have chosen a mantra that suits your needs, you may want to buy or make a mala, to keep track of your repetitions. Since saying a mantra the traditional 108 times at one sitting can be tough for a novice, the bracelet-sized wrist malas that contain 27 (one quarter of 108) beads are ideal. Decide how often you are going to chant your mantra. Daily practice is recommended if you are working toward a specific aim, but often it is hard to schedule time for meditation every single day. What is important is to make a plan and stick to it. Now it’s time for you to start chanting!

How Do I Chant My Mantra?

When you are first beginning, experiment by chanting the mantra at different rhythms and tempos, and also at various tones and volumes that are comfortable for your voice. You will probably find that chanting at a medium to slow pace, in the middle to lower register of your voice, at a fair volume will result in the energy of the mantra buzzing around and through you. As soon as this buzz intuitively “feels” right to you, you know you’ve found the correct way to say the mantra for you! Once you’ve been chanting for a few weeks, you’ll become familiar enough with the energetic vibration of the mantra, to be able to effectively chant it mentally. By imagining the vibrations surrounding you while you silently recite your mantra, you are no longer limited to when and where you can chant! I often use my wrist mala and chant on the subway or streetcar. This makes maintaining a daily practice much easier.

What If I Pronounce It Wrong?

It is true that correct pronunciation is ideal, but if you mess it up a bit, you’re not going to be hit by a thunderbolt from above! Many websites have audio clips that feature traditional pronunciations and rhythm structures of various mantras. I would recommend listening to these just to get an idea of what your mantra should sound like. I have found, however, that the intonation of the mantra changes from one traditional school to another, and I have personally experienced incredible results using Westernized inflections. Generally, if you take a few moments to sound it out, you will arrive at an effective pronunciation that you are comfortable with and can easily use to attain your goal. There is a Buddhist folk-tale about the spiritual fruits of a laymen’s incorrect - but faithful - recitation of a mantra, wholly surpassing the dogmatically correct –but empty – recitations of the same mantra by a monk. So even the Buddha agrees that earnest effort and a positive attitude is what really matters when chanting a mantra!

How Do I Incorporate Mantras Into Spellwork?

Many spells involve praying to or otherwise petitioning a deity or spirit for aid in a matter. You can use mantras in place of, or in addition to any prayers or affirmations that you feel are appropriate to your cause. Lucky Mojo carries an amazing line of Hindu Deity condition oils, incense, and baths that you can acquire for a very reasonable price.

A simple candle spell for money could go something like this: get a small picture of Lakshmi, a green 7-day vigil candle, some sandalwood incense, some Queen of Pentacles' Money and Prosperity incense or Lakshmi incense, and some Queen of Pentacles' Money & Prosperity oil or Lakshmi oil, Queen of Pentacles’ Money-Drawing Herb Blend for candle dressing &/or burning as incense, a white tea light (one for each day you will work the spell), a small glass of water, a small dry food-item, a 2”x2” square of parchment paper, green ink pen, a mala or other device to count repetitions of chants with, and optionally some Holy Oil.

1) Place the picture of Lakshmi on your working altar – use a green or gold altar cloth if possible.

2) Annoint the picture with some of your oil, while concentrating on your intents and inviting Lakshmi to aid you. This will help fix the image to your uses.

3) While in front of your altar, but before proceeding with any work, say a prayer to Ganesha asking him to open the way for you to work with Lakshmi. If you wish you can chant OM GAM Ganapatayei Namaha as a way of doing this.

4) Hold the tealight in your hand and let some of your energy flow into the candle as an offering. You may also dress this candle with Holy Oil to further increase the energy of the offering.

5) Place the dressed tea light, the glass of water, and the food item on a small plate and place it in front of the picture. Light the tealight and the sandalwood incense while chanting OM SHREEM Mahalakshmiyei Namaha as an offering. Spend a few moments in positive communion with Lakshmi, and inviting her presence into your life with a loving heart.

6) Light the Money and Prosperity, or Lakshmi incense, or place some of the Money-Drawing Herb Blend onto a lit charcoal.

7) Take the green vigil candle and inscribe your intent into the top. If writing words is too difficult, then carve symbols, such as the $, that express your petition.

8) Dress the candle with your Money & Prosperity oil, or Lakshmi oil, while concentrating and praying your intent.

9) Finish dressing the candle by sprinkling some of the Money-Drawing Herb Blend onto the top of the candle.

10) Write your petition, in as clear and concise and specific wording as you can (if you need to be hired in the automotive industry, state that; if you need to permanently increase your monthly income to $5000, then state that; if you need $200 to cover the phone bill by next Friday, state that), onto the 2”x2” square of parchment paper. Annoint the petition paper in a 5-spot pattern – like the 5 side of dice – with the Money-Drawing, Prosperity, or Lakshmi oil.

11) Place the petition paper underneath the fixed candle, and while concentrating on your petition, light the candle.

12) Take your mala or other chant counter out. Chant at least one full round (108 repetitions) of OM SHREEM Mahalakshmiyei Namaha while concentrating on your petition being granted.

13) When you are done, spend a few moments thanking Lakshmi for hearing your petition. Drink the water and eat the food offering – this is the traditional Hindu practice, and it is a way for you to bring the energies of Lakshmi into your body and your life. Leave the tealight to burn out, and leave the vigil light working as well.

14) Each day that the vigil candle is burning, repeat # 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, and 13.

15) Watch for signs of movement. Repeat as necessary until your results are achieved.

When Will I See Results?

Mantras, like spells, manifest in their own mysterious timeframe. The exact time it takes will vary from person to person, depending on their goals. When working with mantras alone (as in, not as part of a larger spell work) 40 days is the traditional amount of time for the results of mantra repetition to be perceived. However, I have personally had the effects of a mantra manifest in under a week, and the resulting sequence of events that it set off remaining active for months! This reinforces the old adage, “be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it”. Basically, if you are going for a deep transformative effect using mantras, the effect can take longer to manifest, as the energies have to move around more people and events to get the desired result. I have found the hoodoo adage “3 days for a sign, 3 weeks for movement, and 3 months for the final result” to hold fairly true for mantra work.

While fun and easy to work with, mantras are an ancient and powerful form of magic, so you must be just as sure about your motives and the full consequences of the end-result before beginning to chant, as you have to be before casting a spell. If you would like to experiment with adding mantras to your magical toolbox, I would suggest making your first goals simple ones, until you get the hang of how to work with this particular piece of Arcanum.

I've also crafted some complete spell-kits for working towards a magical goal using the Hindu deities, which are available through my Queen of Pentacles Etsy Conjure Shop. They include nearly everything you need, including detailed instructions, to perform a multi-day ritual to help you manifest your goal using mantras and devotional offerings, as well as condition oils, candles, spiritual cleansing and bath salts, and more!

Ganesha and Lakshmi Road Opening to Prosperity Spell KitKali Uncrossing, Jinx Breaker, and Cleansing Spell Kit

If you are not sure if you can work for yourself, or would like a spiritual practitioner to back up your own work, please feel free to contact me at Queen of Pentacles Conjure Shop and Village Witchery. I am more than happy to fix and set lights petitioning the Hindu deities Ganesha, Lakshmi, Kali, Durga, or Saraswati for a variety of conditions, or will consider taking on more complex ritual spellwork on your behalf if a consultation reading shows that it would be beneficial. I am also available for consultation to help you craft a working petitioning the aid of the Hindu deities just for you specific needs.

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