Sunday, November 27, 2011
Venezuela's Espiritismo Marialionza
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Trad Folk Magic Fest 2011 – After Thoughts
After spending 3 days immersed in conjure culture and meeting many new friends and colleagues, I had the opportunity to sit down with some of the attendees and talk about our experiences. The likes, dislikes, and things we’d like to see in the future as this Festival appears to be really taking root and growing like a weed! Basically you’re in for an opinion piece peppered with wild fantasies…so buckle up. At the end I’ll tell about my creepy experience in the Séance Room of Muriel’s with some of the others.
LIKE: We all liked when we were provided with live demonstrations and hands-on practice opportunities. Books and the internet are fantastic, but learning face-to-face from other practitioners is where the gold is, and this kind of Festival provides an opportunity to do just that. Obviously with the number of people present and space at a premium (both lecture rooms were barely large enough to contain everyone), these kinds of classes require extra logistics – such as supplies, extra tables, etc – that makes them more challenging to hold. But that doesn’t change that we’d love to see more of that.
LIKE: We loved having the opportunity to get out into the city with some of the presenters for special events, such as the magical shopping trip (which I sadly did not attend) and the Voodoo séance. We also loved how visceral some of the lectures became as spirit started to move through the presenters and the room. But it seemed that presenters often held back, perhaps because they felt the context was not completely appropriate or that some in the eclectic audience would feel uncomfortable.
WISH: We wished that there had been more opportunity for immediate experiential application of the material we’d covered in the lectures. Especially with something like the Boneyard Work lecture with Orion. It would have been AMAZING to have been able to leave from the lecture, and go into a cemetery to care for some graves. Now, obviously in
WISH: It would have been extremely wonderful to have been able to more fully experience the local spiritual culture of
Even if it’s not specifically Voodoo, especially as they are looking at holding future Fests in other locations, but a full-scale ritual (as much as one can pull one off in that kind of larger Fest atmosphere) would have been thoroughly appreciated. I know many of us were left really wishing that Orion had let fly during the Bible Conjure workshop, as he admitted he’d held back. I understand that in the middle of a workshop might not be the best place to let the Spirit take over, but for those who may wish a closer spiritual experience the option of attending a full ritual or even charismatic praise service would have been most welcome, instructive, and valued.
WISH: If a particular presenter is known for being able to go on and on and still be providing fantastic information, find some way to allow them longer slots of time! Mamma Starr and Orion both could have been given much more substantial blocks of time, and everyone there would have just eaten it up. Their storyteller styles lent to a more free-form and spirit-led method of getting across information, and it would have been nice not to have been rushed out of some of their workshops. Auntie Sindy and Miss Susan seemed much more attuned to the more traditional presenter/teacher formats, and so they were more able to succinctly get across the amount of material they planned for, without their being the sense of being rushed or getting cut off. It would be great to see presenter styles taken more into consideration when planning out lecture schedules in the future.
WISH: Since the Fests are going to be occurring regularly, and many new attendees will want to partake in some workshops that have been given before, and the presenters are worried about repeating information for those who are returning attendees, perhaps offer some 101 and 201s. For instance Mamma Starr didn't talk too much about Black Hawk, because she assumed that most had been there before and wouldn't want to hear similar information, and also she wanted to build on the information she'd given before. All understandable. But those of us who hadn't attended last year were a wee sad to not hear the Black Hawk info. If she had a Black Hawk workshop for new attendees, and then a White Eagle & Mother Ross workshop for those who wanted to deepen their knowledge, that would have been ideal! Having some more "advanced" class options for repeat attendees would be really amazing.
WISH: This one really is just pure fantasy, but I wish there had been a way that I could have attended ALL the workshops! In attending Mamma Starr’s Black Hawk, White Eagle, and Mother Ross lecture, I had to miss Orion and Auntie Sindy’s workshop on cleansing and uncrossing work. Trying to decide between those two power-houses was like some kind of Sophie’s Conjure Choice. I also missed out on Miss Susan’s workshop on Astrology for Conjure, and Auntie Sindy’s workshops on love and home protection/prosperity work.
LIKE: The workshops were, for the most part, all filmed this year. So if we missed something, or we just want the relive something, we’ll be able to order the tapes!! And also, the intent is to make those tapes available to the public too, so even those who cannot make the Fests will be able to get a good portion of the material in the future.
DISLIKE: Overall, there was precious little to complain about!
However, there were several instances where an attendee sort of “dominated” a workshop, and really took overly large chunks of time away from the lecture. Now anyone who has taught or spoken in public knows that there is often that one (sometimes more if you’re unlucky) person who continually asks off-topic questions, or asks incessant questions that stall the presenter completely, or otherwise repeatedly interject with their own stories and opinions, and this easily takes over and takes away from the facilitator and indeed the other participants. I’ve been there and had to face the challenge of wrangling such a person. In fact, at the beginning of the Fest we were all asked to basically just listen to the material, and save questions and comments for the end when a presenter would invite such. I realize this was an attempt to pre-empt “over-enthusiasm”. But it fell on some deaf ears. Several workshops were taken over in this manner, and it was frustrating to those of us who really wanted to milk every second of knowledge from the sessions. It would be nice to have presenters be a bit less polite and accommodating when it’s apparent that someone is over-stepping such boundaries.
So that’s my Hindsight Analysis!
Now, the final night of the Fest, after all the workshops were through, everyone dashed off in different directions to party in whatever way the fancy struck them. I ended up going with Andrea and her hubby (SOO sorry I can’t remember his name), and Randy Love into the French Quarter. We had reservations for cocktails in the Séance Lounge at Muriel’s on
When we got to the Quarter, we were a little early for our reservations, so we stopped for a drink at the hilariously elaborate Pirates’ Alley Café for some absinthe and general pirate-goodness. Yes, the bar staff all dress the part! I don’t like the flavor of anise, fennel and other black licoricey things, which is sad because the whole ritual of absinthe is gorgeous and I would love to partake. Too curious to not at least give it a go just in case, I had a sip of Randy’s and it was much smoother than I imagined, but still icky for my palate. *Pout*
Onwards to Muriel’s, we found that our reservations had been quite superfluous, as the Séance Lounge was completely empty except for us. This was both cool – as we had the place to ourselves – and not-so-cool as Muriel’s apparently plays a 3 minute loop of spooky dissonant music in there when it’s not populated, just to add some ambience for when people stick their heads in just to look. This 3 minute loop becomes its own form of Water Torture when one sits in that room for any length of time, let me tell you!
Oh, and did I mention that Muriel’s is haunted? Yea. It is. For real.
Now, not being a natural medium I am blessedly not inundated with spirits all the time. I usually have to work at perceiving them – sitting down to meditation, asking them to come, being very still and very quiet so I can pick up the subtlety when they arrive. Generally speaking, unless it’s VERY good or VERY bad, I don’t immediately pick up on presences. Also, when it comes to spirit beings I’m usually very even-keeled and cool-headed. Non-carnate entities (being that have never had a physical body, or had one so long ago that it’s almost a moot point now), and human-spirits-in-visitation don’t phase me. But my skin will crawl and my hackles raise like crazy if a true disembodied spirit is around. I don’t like it. My anxiety shoots through the roof, and despite all my knowledge that everything’s going to be ok, I still get really creeped out. I feel guilty about that, especially since my mother is quite gifted in ghost rescue, but it’s the truth.
This all makes me feel all the worse since Death doesn’t frighten me, and Spirits of Death – such as Santa Muerte, Kali, Baron Samedi and the Ghede, Archangel Azrael – just love me and we get along like gangbusters. I also don’t have a problem with graveyard work, though I admittedly don’t do too much of it. But I’ve always LOVED cemeteries and find them extremely peaceful and beautiful places. So the fact that disembodied spirits of dead people freak me the hell out seems really illogical. I think, in listening to Orion’s breakdown of the various parts and natures of the spirit, that it makes sense. Lingering disembodied spirits are “off” – that’s not a state that is in balance. So that sets my spiritual alarm bells ringing, and gives me a good case of the creeping horrors. Spirit-impressions and Spirit-visitiations, both of which I have no problems with, are balanced and appropriate manifestations of spirit and so don’t jangle me. (These are all just my own personal musings and opinions. I realize plenty of other people would heartily disagree with my interpretations, and that’s totally fine. I hold multiple truths, this is just how I experience things and explain them to myself.)
Back to the story, we’re sitting around talking and having a great time in the Séance Lounge (despite the 3 minute loop of doom), and I keep seeing something out the corner of my eye in the next room by this mirror. I also am feeling really tense. But I tell myself it’s just the music wearing on my nerves. Next thing I know both Andrea and Randy are saying, “do you see that in the corner by the mirror?” My stomach drops, because I’d really been telling myself that I’d just been seeing a wisp of my own hair out of my peripheral vision, and the anxiety was the music. Now I can’t lie to myself anymore. Dammit.
We nicely greet the spirit, and Andrea invites it to sit with us if it wants. I am wanting SO badly to not feel scared, and ever the indoctrinated Canadian just do my best to project apologies for my fear, and communicate goodwill.
The spirit starts knocking in various places in the room. Fine. All well and good. It seems to mostly like to hang out in the corner by that mirror across the room, and that’s also fine with me. Of course, then it starts jumping around in all these wooden carved faces that are on the walls – from one face to another to another. I try to tell myself I’m just making this all up in my head. Sure, the spirit is knocking and hanging out by the mirror, but jumping faces? Nah. That’s when Andrea and Randy both mention that it’s jumping around in the faces. Dammit.
I’m getting really tense. I’m trying to stay all calm and nonchalant. Apparently it’s not working, because everyone starts laughing at me and my obvious discomfort. Andrea decides we should all move and sit over near the mirror where the spirit is. I like to push my boundaries, so I agree. I guess the spirit has a wicked sense of humor, because no sooner do we get over to that area then it starts knocking directly underneath me and also directly behind my head. Gee, thanks. Dammit.
I decide I really can’t take much more. I’m all tense and anxious, and I’m starting to feel kinda dizzy. Ghosts just don’t agree with me. So I ask St. Michael to please put a shield around me so I can no longer be effected by the spirit, but ask that the spirit still be allowed in the general area since everyone else seems to be enjoying it. Immediately, I felt pounds and pounds lighter, the anxiety diminished, and I was able to just enjoy the company of my friends. The spirit still dashed around the room, and we all saw it, and it knocked a few more times.
I will say that although I did not get a sense of overt malevolence from the spirit, it definitely had some anger. I guess you’d kind of have to have a little something unpleasant going on – whether its sadness or anger or pain - or else you wouldn’t be a ghost! When the conversation would turn to something a bit more frustrating or negative, its strength would increase exponentially, and when things would lighten up with laughter and mirth the activity would drop down to nearly nothing. To me that says a little something about the resonance of that particular being. So I don’t feel too badly about putting up my shields! I just DON’T do well with ghosts.
One more freaky thing happened that night. As we stepped outside Muriel’s, a man walked by who was noticeably drunk, but who had something else riding along with him, if you get me. He locked eyes with us on the doorstep of Muriel’s and said “Oh you’re talking to spirits, eh? Hehehehe.” And just walked off as quickly as he’d appeared. The hehehehe part was said really deadpan and weird. It was creepy. I just told St. Michael not to let anything follow me back to the hotel, and when I got back there I put the prayer cloth we’d gotten from Mamma Starr and Orion’s workshop on top of my head to sleep!
The next morning I ended up having a lovely chat with Heatherleigh, Jacki, Papa Newt, and Orion before we headed off to one last breakfast before everyone parted ways. It was a perfect end to a perfectly magical weekend!
My husband was going to be flying in and meeting me that afternoon, and we stayed in NOLA for another 6 days. I was going to be trying to find my family crypt in
Till next time….
Traditional Folk Magic Festival 2011 – Day Three
I had a cleansing and healing scheduled with Mamma Starr, so I held off on the eating and drinking until after that session. It was so wonderful to get a chance for some hands-on work by her. It’s not only good for the soul, but it’s also instructive, and I tried my best to take in as much as I could. It was a powerful experience, and since having that healing I can attest to having many of the fears that had been plaguing me banished far, far away. And as a completely unanticipated side-effect of the healing, my long standing sensitivity to caffeine has disappeared!
For the past 10 years, I’ve had to either avoid caffeine all together when at my most sensitive (even decaf drinks and chocolate candy often had enough caffeine in them to cause me to become ill), or be extremely judicious in my intake (like anything more than ½ cup of green tea every other day would overload my system). At my worst, I was so sensitive to any stimulating substances, that I had to avoid spicy foods, sugary foods, and even peppermint tea! Thankfully, that phase passed a few years ago, but I still had to be very careful. Papa Newt can attest to how closely I was monitoring my caffeine intake during the Fest so as not to get sick.
Since that healing, I’ve been having REGULAR coffee – and New Orleans-strength coffee at that, and full mugs of green tea without any issues. Sometimes even 2 or 3 cups of green tea in a day. I’ve not been ill, and my sleep has not been disturbed. HALLELUJAH!!
I can’t express how much I’ve missed my coffee and tea, and how grateful I am to have that enjoyment back in my life. Thank God, and thank you Mamma Starr for being a conduit for that healing.
At the conclusion of my healing session, Mamma Starr gave me some very strong encouragement to start learning to read the bones. It’s not something I had really considered, but her method of encouragement was such that there was really no way to get out of it! I’m looking forward to spending time cultivating knowledge of how to work with that form of divination, and have had some bones already present themselves to me…so I seem to be on the right path.
The remainder of the champagne brunch was used to spend more time getting to know the other goers better. I had the pleasure of sitting and chatting with Coventry Creations’ owner Jacki, who did some impromptu readings with the new oracle deck that she’s made. It’s quite ingenious, using the labels from her extensive line of spiritual candles as the basis. Among them there are world deities, magical plants, condition formulas, and magical actions. When they are dealt in a 3-card draw, they create an extremely accurate portrait of the query, along with suggested courses of action. I didn’t even concentrate on a specific question when I drew, letting Spirit give me a message through the cards. And DAMN if it didn’t speak directly and unambiguously to a major challenge in my life at the moment. Jacki is an extremely gifted reader, and her elaborations on the cards were bang-on. Everyone around the table that was blessed with a reading came away feeling blessed with insight and clarity on a variety of issues! Those are some good cards!
After we’d all had our fill of delicious food, and most had at least a slight buzz from the bottomless mimosas, it was time to begin the day’s classes.
The first workshop I attended on Sunday was Creative Conjure with Miss Susan Diamond. This actually turned out to be more of a round-table discussion and brainstorming session than a class or lecture. Miss Susan opened up by speaking a little on using what you have available to you to do the work that needs doing, and not having your magic limited by lack of fancy supplies and exotic herbs. She also spoke a bit about finding the spirits in urban environments, and using a city to one’s magical advantage. Once the ideas starting flowing, the floor was opened up, and Fest-goers began just sharing different creative ways they had approached work in the past. Some really unique ideas were tossed around, and it was interesting to hear about other peoples’ styles.
The next class was the Candle Burning Workshop with Mamma Starr. This was really great, as she pulled up a huge table and laid out all kinds of the tools and supplies she works with. She wasn’t just talking about the work, she was showing us exactly how she goes about doing it! Her style is just so straight-forward and simple, it’s fantastic. Need to shut someone up? Tape their picture to a dressed candle, draw a mouth on top of it, and slap the hell out that mouth while commanding that person to shut it! That co-worker making trouble for you at every turn? Stick their picture upside down under a rock!
As always with Mamma Starr, the topic she begins with is really just a jumping off point. You’ll learn about that topic, but you’ll also get about 10 streams of related information along the way. Bottle work, controlling work, road opening work, blessing work – you name it. And the stories she tells to illustrate her points are just priceless. If you’ve listened to her radio show or read her books on these topics, it’s great to confirm that you’ve correctly understood her method of working by getting to see it performed first-hand. And if you hadn’t encountered her style before, it was a fantastic introduction that will make her other materials all the more instructive.
Over dinner break, the various presenters generously made themselves available to attendees so that anyone with additional questions or concerns could get clarification. Mamma Starr even held a little informal talk with some of the people who had asked about harder works during the general workshop. It was also a last-chance for people to buy from vendors there. I grabbed a few extra oils from Miss Susan’s Serpents Kiss line, and grabbed a few conjure crafts from Mamma Starr for my altars at home. Everyone was feeling happy and energized, and also really anxious for the final workshop of the Fest, the much anticipated lecture on Graveyard work with Orion Foxwood.
Honestly, it doesn’t matter WHAT Orion is talking about. Even if he’s just casually chatting with you, so much knowledge and wisdom just comes flowing out of him in this amazingly accessible, humorous, and inspiring way that’s its just pure bliss. He has this gift for saying exactly the right thing that really makes something hit deep in your heart and take root, bringing your understanding of it to a whole new depth. It’s really remarkable. He’s also extremely charismatic and his presence just effortlessly commands the entire room. This was going to be a great finale to a wonderful weekend.
Orion shared his understanding of the Realm of the Dead, or as he often refers to it the Ancestral Current, and its place in our world and existence, as well as our responsibility to it as spirit workers. His take on that nature of the spirits that are being worked with in graveyard work was really fascinating. Rather than graveyard work being a matter of calling back a spirit to work with you (which he said can, of course, be done – but is a whole different ball of wax), he said that it is more a matter of calling upon the memory of the person that is recorded in their physical body and the energetic impression of that person and their qualities that radiates and is stored in the soil as they return to the earth. The imprint of the person can be quite strong and complete, and does contain an intelligence that can be communicated and interacted with by the worker. He painted a beautiful picture of upon having gained assent from the grave-resident to work with their plot, calling forth from the soil the quality of the person you wished to utilize in your work, and then digging and leaving payment for the gift.
As he was explaining this, you could see some of the other presenters (who were all gathered to take in this talk as well) finding the information both new and compelling. Obviously, there is a pervasive understanding of graveyard work as, in fact, being with an actual spirit-being as opposed to a spirit-impression. I think this perspective was new to many people there, and would be hotly debated by practitioners from other traditions, but it seemed to resonate with many present. Though specifics vary, the idea of the soul having several parts is common among many different spiritual traditions – the Nephesh/Ruach/Neshamah in Herbrew mysticism, Ti Bon Ang/Gros Bon Ang in Vodou, Ib/Sheut/Ren/Ka/Ba in ancient Kemetic belief, etc, etc – so hearing the particular traditional witchcraft perspective presented by Orion, especially in the specific context of graveyard conjure, was really fascinating and valuable.
Orion stressed that graveyard work should be something that manifests balance and healing to both the physical world and the Ancestral Current. He shared some heart-wrenching stories of powerfully healing experiences he’d had over his years of working with the residents of cemeteries. His tales had tears falling from many in the room, and his love and respect for the dead was inspiring in its depth.
This lecture was only 90 minutes, and I think everyone there would agree that it should have been closer to 3 hours. He barely scraped the surface of what he had to share when it was over! I felt like I could have spent an entire weekend just listening to him speak on that ONE topic. I really hope I have more opportunities to learn from him in the future.
My post-Fest analysis and story of last night run-ins with ghosts in the Quarter to come…
Trad. Folk Magic Fest 2011 - The Marie Laveau Messages
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
2011 Traditional Folk Magic Festival – Day Two (of Three)
I was really excited for the Voodoo Doll workshop, as she had made a Bride and Groom set of dolls that were just stunning, and I wanted to know her method! I was not disappointed. She brought all the supplies – bags of Spanish moss, sticks from ancient oaks, cloth and ribbons of various colors, beads, bells, and bangles. We not only got a fantastic overview of doll making, but some great NOLA history and lore as well. I’ve heard it said many times that Bloody Mary’s forgotten more NOLA lore than most people will ever even know, and I believe it. She’s a priceless fount of information! We spent time cleaning and loosening our moss, while impregnating every single motion and act with significance and intent.

While the Bible was the jumping off point, and all workshop participants got a Bible of their own to take home and work with, this class was really more about the very powerful Spirit-filled practices of the anointed Christian congregations. We were taught about prayer cloths, and Orion led the participants through a prayer and praise session, filled with layered s
Let me tell you…I’m usually fairly dull when it comes to physically feeling the vibrations off of spiritually-charged items. When people pass around crystals, or other spiritual items ooo-ing and ah-ing over the strong vibrations, I usually just end up smiling and nodding, and feeling sort of left out. It’s just not where my particular extra-sensory perceptions seem to lie. But when we were given those prayer cloths that Orion and Mamma Starr had been praying over and we’d all been directing our energy and calling the Holy Spirit into – WOAH!! It was like holding something that had a mild electric current running through it. I was floored. I can’t even imagine what the people who are more sensitive felt.
Mamma Starr also talked about some specific verses and how they could be used for different conjure purposes. At least half of the Fest participants were witches and Pagans, and she shared some of what she had been learning about the Holy Spirit and Wisdom being female (Shekinah and Sophia), as her friendship with Orion who is a witch had made her more curious about the Goddess-inclusive traditions. She read a bit from The Book of Wisdom, which is included in some Catholic version of the Bible. Momma Starr has just released a new book on Working with the Bible in Conjure, so if it’s a topic that interests you I recommend picking up a copy (actually many of her books include pages with Bible verse references that you can use for different intents), and also listen to some of the back episodes of her Old Style Conjure BlogTalkRadio show where she actually dedicated several hours of speaking on the topic.
After that marathon spiritually-thick session I was pretty exhausted, but the night was just getting started! Bloody Mary was back to take those who had registered for an outdoor Voodoo “séance” at the bayou’s edge, where we would be calling on Marie Laveau for written communications. We had a bit of a walk to the streetcar line, and a nice leisurely ride out to City Park which is home to the nation’s oldest Oak forest. These trees were hundreds of years old, huge, and magnificent! There’s also a patch of bayou left in the park, and it had created a small island under a canopy of gigantic oaks flowing with moss where the ceremony was held.
We chanted as we were led through the dark park and over a strangely precarious stone bridge onto the island. Her assistants had set up a beautiful altar, and we all sang, danced, and called upon Marie Laveau to visit us and inspire us with words that would express something about herself, the bayou, New Orleans, and Voodoo. Then we played a version of a parlour game from the 19th century called Exquisite Corpse, where each person writes a sentence on a sheet of paper, and then folds it over so that no one else can see what was written. Only the last word of the sentence or phrase is written on the “fresh” line, and the next person uses that word as inspiration for their own sentence. We were calling upon to inspire us with her message through this method.
I’ll be honest: at the time it felt quite cheesy and ineffective. The dancing and singing to call upon Mam’zelle Marie had been weak and uninspiring – no one knew the beat or the song, and let’s face it, a lot of folks find syncopated rhythms hard to keep up with. If you find NOT clapping on 1 and 3 a challenge, trying to clap and move to complex African inspired beats without a least a bit of practice is probably going to be near hopeless. (I say this with love and a big old smile on my face.) There was only one drum, so it felt “thin” to begin with and didn’t help support those who were struggling. When we sat to do the writing exercise, it wasn’t an overly inspiring experience. I felt a bit let down, even though a great deal of fun was had by all.
Bloody Mary collected all the papers, and said that over the next day she would transcribe all the various sentences and arrange them in a logical order, and come by the Fest to read us the results of the communication. I didn’t have high hopes, but it was fun nonetheless. Several other Fest-goers expressed feeling similarly.
I’ll go ahead and tell the end of the story now, even though Mary didn’t come to read us the end result of the exercise until the 3rd day right before we ended. She showed up, and everyone was gathered together, not really sure what to expect. Would it be cringe-worthy? Would it be silly or saccharine?
We were all absolutely taken aback as Mary read out the message. It was stirring and powerful. It was filled with sadness, and strength, and anger, and hope. It expressed love and frustration, told of tears and of ecstasy. It was stunning beautiful. There were many people with tears flowing down their faces by the time it finished – myself included. We’ve been promised that Mary will send a copy to the Fest organizers, who will then forward a copy to all the attendees. I absolutely want to copy it out and have it be a part of the Marie Laveau altar that I’ll be building over the next few months. And when I do get the copy, I’ll make sure to post it here so that all of you can read what came of that night exercise. We were all very impressed, and a bit humbled by the fact that our preconceptions of what it was “supposed” to be like had caused us to doubt that Spirit would move through and be present for us that evening.
Once again, I was wiped out by the end of that Festival day. But I was also REALLY hungry. Andrea and her husband (I apologize for not having remembered his name – I’m just awful at names!), Randy and myself walked down to the gas station at the corner which had this really surprisingly good deli and fry booth. We got some of the best fried chicken I’ve ever tasted, and some delicious poboys. I never thought I’d rave about gas station food, but I suppose in New Orleans anything really can happen! We laughed and stuffed ourselves silly, and then fell into bed to rest up for the final day.
More to come!...
Monday, November 21, 2011
Traditional Folk Magic Festival 2011 – Day One (of Three)
I scrimped and saved over the year in order to attend the 2011 Traditional Folk Magic Festival in
The 2011 festival was 3 full days, which was an expansion from the 2-days they held last year. I could have taken in 5 days without an issue (hint, hint)! It was fantastic. Because there was so much to do, see, buy (my credit card is groaning from the copious purchases of truly mind-blowing conjure craft that was available), and so many amazing people to meet, I’ve decided to break up these blog entries day by day of the Fest so as not to overwhelm my readers with a marathon post.
After securing my spike, I settled in for the opening prayer, and scurried off to the first class of the day, which was Mamma Starr’s Black Hawk class. I was thrilled to be meeting her and getting to hear her teach in person. She is such a BIG energy, it’s very surprising. She’s full of joy and laughter and tough love, and infectious enthusiasm! This year she decided to expand on her class from last year, and primarily talk about White Eagle and Mother Ross, two spirits that work very closely with Black Hawk. I was a little disappointed, because I hadn’t gotten to attend last year’s class (during which I heard she called down Black Hawk), but hearing her speak more on these two spirits was really an honor. If you haven’t gotten her amazing book on Black Hawk, I suggest you do so, and also go through her BlogTalkRadio archives for the episodes where she speaks on Black Hawk, as you’ll get an idea of the kind of info and work that was covered during the lecture…but Mamma Starr doesn’t recycle info from class to class, so whenever you get a chance to hear her teach, do it! Be ready to write REALLY fast, too – when she starts, it’s rapid fire.
We then had a lunch break, where we were all treated to our choice of Mamma Starr's chicken gumbo, or beans & rice...and let me tell you, that woman can COOK! It was lip-smacking good, and I just couldn't get enough of it. There was also red velvet cake for dessert. Seriously - it doesn't get any more amazing than that!
Over lunch break, I finally got to really spend some time with Mamma Starr. If you haven't guessed already, I just adore her and have the utmost respect for her. I feel eternally grateful that she makes herself so available to those who wish to learn through her radio show, her Ning community, her growing collection of conjure books, and her truly excellent tele-classes. I recommend that anyone interested in learning more about traditional old style conjure take advantage of all her offerings - you'll learn so much practical old time work your head will be spinning! All weekend when she was not teaching, she was providing healings, cleansings, and readings. It was a total surprise, and a deep honor to be invited by her to watch how she does that work, and I learned a great deal. I look forward to spending even more time with her in the future to deepen my understanding of the practices I was shown. That lunch break was just about the best one I ever could have imagined!
After everyone had had their fill of home-cooked deliciousness, it was time for Auntie Sindy and Miss Susan Diamond’s class on Prosperity Conjure. This was really a great workshop that primarily focused on things like practitioner/client mindset, recognizing unhelpful patterns, really making strategic moves towards finding income that is suited to your temperament and natural skills, and is also joyful to earn (which Miss Susan refers to as Right Livelihood), and being willing to make sacrifices to manifest the things you really desire, and then claiming that goal as won: all really important things that as spiritual counselors we try to guide people – and ourselves – through the discovery and implementation process all the time.
Miss Susan also has a fantastic approach of finding spirit allies who are already aligned and working towards the same things you are, and who you can join together with in a mutually beneficial relationship, to help manifest your work rapidly and in a harmonious way that isn’t as reliant on contract-based arrangements. She spoke a bit on how to find those allies, and also about how to determine how many allies you may need for any one job.
That class culminated in a prosperity working where everyone dressed a candle with one of Miss Susan’s condition oils – we got to choose from 4 or 5 – and then lit the candle, placing it into a communal holder, which was later worked over by the facilitators. I have to say that I fell in love with the oils from Serpent’s Kiss that Miss Susan makes. I ended up buying a half dozen or so different blends over the weekend, including one called Right Livelihood along with its accompanying candle! I do believe that for unique blends, or blends that I am just not equipt to craft here at home, I’ll primarily be going to Serpent’s Kiss. Talk about feeling the power when you take a sniff!
That night wrapped up with a wine & cheese meet-and-greet. It was lovely to spend some casual time chatting with the presenters, as well as the other guests. I was blessed to spend more time with Mamma Starr and her daughters, Papa Newt (who happened to be one of my roommates along with the wonderful Randy Love), Brother Ash of Crossroads of Sorcery who is quiet but once you tickle his funny bone you better look out, Andrea and her husband from Crossroads Little Shop of Conjure – a name which just sets my Broadway lovin’ soul alight with joy, Jackie of the amazing Coventry Creations who I also plan on finding some way to pick her brain in a more concerted fashion in the near future because she KNOWS her stuff, Heatherleigh of the Boston Tea Room who has a wicked sense of fashion and spirit alike, and many others.
I admit to being completely exhausted by the time the meet-and-greet rolled around, and so I ducked out a wee bit early in order to get some shut eye before the next day which I knew was going to be a long one (in a very good way) with an evening Voodoo-inspired spirit communication session outdoors at the bayou’s edge after all the day’s classes. I fell right to sleep and had a hilarious dream about having a friendly Shakespearian soliloquy competition with Sir Patrick Stewart, and Peter Dinklage!
More to follow….
Friday, May 13, 2011
Conjure with the Goetia
Since many magical practitioners a great deal more practically experienced and academically learned than I have already written volumes on the various pros and cons of working with Goetic spirits, and whether one should assume a commanding and demanding demeanor with them or go with something more firm but amiable when making work arrangements, etc - I won’t presume to beat a dead horse or try to re-invent the wheel. You can learn many fantastic things by reading the writings of Frater RO who had some fantastically good and fantastically bad results in his long-time relationship with the Goetic Bune, Jason Miller who gives a nice abbreviated evocation of Bune in his book Sorceror’s Secrets, Aaron Leicht who writes some really fascinating stuff on the development of the conjurations of these spirits, Brother Moloch who has a list entirely devoted to evocation of all kinds and using all sorts of traditional and unorthodox methods, and others; and I encourage you to do so as it is quite edifying. I’ve even dipped my toes in the water by writing a fairly well-received (at least in terms of the blogosphere community of practitioners) article outlining the skills that I feel a practitioner should be competent at before trying full-on evocational magics. So there’s no need to go over the same material again.
However, despite the debates, there are still many people out there who wish to try their hand at gaining the aid of Goetic spirits for their various conjure needs. Many of those people have no training in ceremonial practices, and have no desire to gain such in order to enlist the help of the Goets. Are they just shit out of luck? No! There are certainly straight-forward methods of working with this class of spirits that will feel very natural to any rootworker or folk magic practitioner that will draw the influence of a Goet to your case. I came across one such method in my travels around the world wide internets, and it’s worked extremely well for me. Many people have asked that I share it, and so I am doing so today.
I will be quite clear that I am NOT the originator of this method. I learned it from a post to Brother Moloch’s EvocationalMagics yahoogroup by a skilled practitioner of the name Aghor Pir. He took a technique that he first heard from a long ago list member by the screen name “Thief”, and added a few elements from his own sphere of knowledge and a piece of tech from Brother Moloch to make it more reliable and increase the overall effectiveness. So, as with many pieces of occult lore, it was a process that evolved over time. I’ve since been told that the resulting operation bears striking resemblances to some Arabian magical methods of spirit work. Good tech will out, to completely bastardize a phrase. Aghor Pir has been kind enough to allow me to share this info with you all through my blog.
The process as outlined by Aghor Pir was given in the context of a sex-drawing rite that he performed with the aid of the Goetic spirit Sitri on behalf of a friend of his. As such, his instructions were explicit to that spirit and that particular petition, but it’s easy enough to extrapolate the basic process and use it with whichever Goet suits your task. I’ve used it with several Goetia spirits, including Sitri, Buer, and Bune with very positive results. In the outline below I’ve bolded the basic instructions as given by Aghor Pir, and added my own commentary in regular font.
• Firstly: Prepare
Do your homework – choose which spirit suits your task by doing a bit of research, and have their seal nearby as a reference. Also look up that spirit’s Enn, which is a phrase of invocation that attracts their attention used by the Demonolatry traditions. You can find a list of them, including pronunciation at this link:
Enns are very similar in intent and effect as Eastern mantras in producing a specific magical effect &/or of drawing a particular spirit to you.
• Prepare Part 2: Gather your supplies
Choose which condition oil and incense will fit your purpose, and have appropriate colored 4” or votive candles (or just white tealights if you’re feeling minimalist, lazy, or poor – I’ve worked with specifically colored candles, and tealights both with positive results).
Also have a white tealight available, with some spearmint essential oil, or Power oil. (Using spearmint EO as a payment for spirits is a piece of tech originated by Brother Moloch. Power oil can be substituted if you have no spearmint EO.)
You will also need a magnet – preferably flat. I also use some magnetic sand.
A picture of your target, or a direct personal concern, is also required.
I also like to incorporate a small amount of appropriate herbs that have been finely chopped or ground with suitable prayers and attention.
You may also wish to have a string of prayer beads to keep track of the number of repetitions of the enn during the ritual.
• Draw a triangle onto a sheet of paper, and on the outer side of each side of the triangle, write your petition.
I personally like to cut out a triangle from parchment paper to use for this purpose, and write the petition in an appropriately colored ink. But that’s just me being fancy. Your mileage may vary.
• Prepare the spirit’s seal. If you have some artistic ability, you may wish to draw it yourself in an appropriate colored ink, while chanting the enn. If you have no such ability, then print out the seal. When I print out a seal, I like to trace over the design with some Dragon’s Blood oil/ink, or a similar substance, while praying or in this context while chanting the enn.
• Dress your three colored candles with your condition oil as you normally would, and place one on each corner of the triangle. Anoint your white tealight with the spearmint oil and set it to the side – you will be placing it in the center of the triangle in a little while.
• Put the picture of your target, or who or whatever you wish to be affected by the spirit, in the center of the triangle. I like to put a sprinkle of the prepared herbs, or you could use condition powder, on top of the picture.
• Place the magnet on top of the picture. I usually dress the magnet with a dab of condition oil.
• Put the spirit’s seal on top of the magnet. I like to then sprinkle a bit of magnetic sand on top of the seal, as the iron fillings pull the seal down onto the magnet and target’s picture.
• The white tealight dressed with spearmint EO then goes on top of the spirit seal.
• Light the colored candles on the triangle points in a clockwise pattern.
• Chant the spirit’s enn 108 times to attract its attentions. Feel free to increase the number of chants, or otherwise tweak the number to suit your needs. I also like to ring a bell while I chant, as I’ve found this really ups the ante of getting spirit-attention, and of allowing magical intention to cross into the subtle planes.
• Light the white offeratory tealight candle, and repeat your petition making sure to personalize it by using the full name of your target. Repeat the petition 3 times.
• Then send the spirit out to do the work in a statement of release. For example, “Go Thou great spirit _________, and help ________ fulfill their desire for _________. Quickly! Quickly! Quickly! And without causing harm or suffering to anyone!” Obviously, if your petition is to cause some harm, or otherwise don’t really care how the job gets done, than you would tweak this statement to suit your situation and proclivities.
• Allow the candles to burn out.
And that’s it! Pretty straight-forward and simple. Your work may end up looking a little something like this:
This was a lust-inducing working that I did with Sitri. Sitri’s deputy with whom I made the arrangements gave me a 3 week timeline, and recommended thrice weekly repetition of the act on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The result was achieved in 2 weeks time. Sitri and crew hit hard and fast, despite some pretty complicated circumstances.

Now, in this technique, the white tealight dressed with spearmint oil is the payment for the service rendered by the spirit. So, for those who may not be adept at communicating with spirits, and therefore less able to negotiate an arrangement with a Goetic being, this method takes the guesswork out of things to a large degree. You’re not likely to end up with a ticked off daemon who feels they’ve been taken advantage of.
Still, there are some things that I do when I use this technique to help further ensure my chances of success. They are not obligatory with this method – hence why this one is so simple and easy. But I like to cover all my bases if I’m able. Especially if the job is likely to take longer to get done, or may be of a more ongoing nature. I like to try and negotiate with the spirit through divination prior to enacting this ritual to find out what approximate timeline I’m looking at for the desired results, how often the ritual may need to be repeated, and most importantly if the spirit is even willing/able to do the job I need done! And if I feel it is appropriate, I will also offer additional payment once the goal has been successfully achieved – flowers and a dressed vigil candle, and sometimes a small amount of liquor are common for me.
So before sitting down to do the ritual, I will usually craft the seal and chant the enn until I feel the spirit’s presence. I will ask the presence to identify itself to confirm that this is the spirit that I called. Sometimes the spirit will send its deputies in its stead. In that case I confirm that they are entitled to make arrangements for work and speak on behalf of the spirit summoned. Then I will explain my petition and ask if they are able to achieve the ends I desire in the way that I desire (BE SPECIFIC!!!), and in what time frame (if there is a concrete deadline – STATE IT!!!), etc. Additional payment, if appropriate, would also be discussed at this point.
Armed with all that info, I then proceed to perform the ritual.
But as stated, this particular method does not require that such tet-a-tet negotiations take place. It already has all the necessary elements for working with a Goetic spirit built in. Which makes it a really neat way to experiment with using the Goetia in your conjure work!
I still will always recommend erring on the side of caution, and avoid working with Goetic daemons that are known for being particularly “hot” or otherwise difficult when you are first starting out. That goes for any class of spirit, not just the Goets. Baby steps, people!
If you do give this a try, please feel free to share your results. I see no reason why this technique would be limited to working with the Goetic spirits, either. I would love to hear how things worked out for you, or what little tweaks you found made a difference for you.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Jeez - you get one bad flu...
If you read my blog, chances are that you also read at least one of the other blogs (Jason Miller, Frater Rufus Opus, ConjureMan Ali, de Heer Balthazar, et al)that have been part of a very interesting discussion regarding energy work in magic, and that then morphed into dialogue about cultural appropriation.
Of course, I was away on vacation for the end of January and early February, and upon my return I promptly got a downright diabolical respiratory virus that has had me laid out flat for the past week. I was so busy monitoring my fever, and drinking Chinese Medicine cough syrup like water, while trying to keep my lungs from imploding from coughing, that I came into the whole sha-bang far too late to have anything of interest to chime in. Heck, I can still barely wrangle coherant thoughts well enough to even write this meager update. Suffice it to say that I find myself agreeing whole-heartedly with the energy work perspectives professed by Jason Miller, and agreeing with ConjureMan Ali's assessment of the cultural appropriation matter.
On a completely mundane note, vacation was a blast. We visited the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando and had a purely fantastic time! I am a huge child at heart, and growing up in Orlando like I did I have an almost unhealthy love for Disney and Universal theme parks. I basically grew up with Disney as my playground, hearing behind the scenes stories of when my mother worked there as a teenager. When I was teen I also worked there briefly (I was Pluto for EPCOT Center character breakfasts), and now have my own backstage stories to relate. So, Disney feels like home away from home, and I start to get itchy inside if it's been more than 3 or 4 years since I've walked down Main Street at the Magic Kingdom. It had been about 5 or 6 years since our last visit, so it was long overdue, and many new attractions were there for the experiencing. My husband never visited growing up, so he enjoys getting the "insider's tour" of the place whenever we go. Park maps?? We don't need no stinking park maps!
But being a huge Harry Potter fan and not having been to the Wizarding World yet was just killing me, so we took advantage of my husband's annual training conference in Orlando to have a little time away. The Hogwarts Castle was just amazing - it really was like walking into the movies. The ride was great (I screamed out loud at least 3 times - mostly because the dementors are FAR more freaky in "real life" then they even are on the big screen), and the food and drink was good, but just walking through the castle was just really amazing. The detail was just mind-blowing and that alone was worth the whole day. All the Hogwarts employees kept welcoming us "muggles", and unfortunately I was not able to convince them that I was NOT a muggle no matter how many times I said it. ;) Of course I got a Gryffindor house sweater and quidditch scarf as keepsakes, so I can look eternally nerdy back here at home.
Anyway, as you can probably tell, this blog entry has no real conjure content. I'm still sick and barely conscious, but I felt badly for leaving my blog and readers alone for so long, and feeling kinda left behind on all the latest hub-bub. I hope to be better by next week and be able to get some new material up for you all.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Divining the Year Ahead
